Fresh Squeezed Juice Will Change Your Life!
- Grass Juice, like Wheat Grass
- Buckwheat Lettuce Juice
- Sunflower Greens Juice
- You do need an extracting type Juicer to get juice out of Grass.
- We own and love a Green Life (now called Green Star) juicer. It makes easy work of this.
- Cut and wash ingredients. Feed through juicer.
- You can refrigerate juice but it never tastes better than it does when just made, and it tastes absolutely amazing then.
- Wheat Grass juice is as closer in composition to blood than anything. When you drink it you feel it immediately! It is a very intense, and for many people a not too pleasant taste. We often drink it straight but we sometimes prefer it mixed.
- Mix in any proportion you enjoy most. Buckwheat Lettuce is the mildest flavor so you might consider starting like this: 50% Buckwheat, 40% Sunflower, 10% Grass.
- Hey, did you know that us Sproutpeople took that picture of Wheat Grass Juice? We did - over a decade ago. We see it all over the web nowadays. We're flattered so many have copied it!