Bird Seed Sprout Mixes

Lil Bird Sprout Mix
$11.15 / Lb.
Lil Bird Sprout Mix
Mid Bird Sprout Mix
$11.15 / Lb.
Mid Bird Sprout Mix
Big Bird Sprout Mix
$11.15 / Lb.
Big Bird Sprout Mix
Dr. Bird Sprout Mix
$14.41 / Lb.
Dr. Bird Sprout Mix

Bird Seed Sprout Mixes

We are extremely proud to say that we have been serving the avian community since the late 90's - thanks to one customer who emailed asking if we would make up mixes specifically for birds. Given that we stock over 100 varieties of seed and are crazy in love with mixing them up - we obliged her.

We have had cats and dogs since we first got together in 1986, but our bird experience is limited to the dozen hens and one rooster we had when we first left city living in 1992 and moved to deep Southern Illinois - where we also raised a hatchling of some kind that was left after our crazed kitty, Agnes killed its mom and siblings. We loved that hatchling - and raised it on worms and grubs (we didn't know sprouts yet), and we taught it to fly. Its name was Igum. 

So, we love birds, but we really know nothing about them - unless they're chickens. Subsequently we can't advise you about your exotic family members. We have been guided by many bird people and a couple veterinarians, as well as other companies that sell seed for birds. Basically the name of the mix indicates the relative size of the seeds in that mix. Our avian advisors assure us that any size bird can enjoy any of our mixes. A smaller bird will just take longer to eat a the big seeds in Big or Dr. Bird, while a big bird will gobble up the seeds in Lil' or Mid Bird more quickly =:-)