It's A Doggie Dog World - Sprout Kit For Dogs (and People)
An Easy Sprout Sprouter and 2 pounds of 4 Legs of Love, Detailed Instructions.
Our favorite sprouting device and our mix - originally made specifically for canines, but now loved by many humans too. The two pounds of 4 Legs of Love will produce about 6 pounds of sprouts. The Easy Sprout Sprouter will last for many years and will sprout just about any seed you want to.
For Sprouting Instructions, click here: 4 Legs of Love. You may also print the instructions that come with this Kit. To learn about - including how to use - a Sprouter, click its name: Easy Sprout Sprouter.
The Seeds
2 Pounds of
Dobie & Chester's 4 Legs of Love
Red Clover, Alfalfa, Broccoli, 7 Lentils, Mung Beans & Hulless Oats
This New (2009) Mix is the perfect sprout mix-in for dogs. Tested and approved by our lovable mutts; Dobie and Chester, 4 Legs of Love also has our veterinarian's stamp of approval.
We have had dogs in our home forever. Beanie's Awesome Mix is named after our first dog, Clem's Choice is named for our 2nd dog, so it seems like this mix should have been introduced ages ago. All of our dogs have eaten sprouts. We decided it was about time we put something together that was specifically good for dogs, and also easy to get them to eat. We grind the sprouts in a food processor before mixing them into the other food we are serving. We grind just before feeding, so the sprouts are still alive, and because they end up so mixed in - every morsel is consumed, even by our finicky Chihuerrier* Chester. This is great stuff!
Our original trio of girls - Jupiter, Clementine and Fagie - came to us in very lean years. We didn't have enough money to feed them high quality food until they were senior citizens. None of them lived longer than 12 years. Though they changed our lives in ways we are still discovering - that's just not enough time.
Our former dogs - boys named Dobie and Chester - ate better than we did during those lean years and Ira eats like a king. He's on a mostly raw diet thanks to our neighbor, EcoPawz which offers a lot of great food and treats.
We're glad we can offer these sprouts to our dogs, and to you and your dogs. Feed them well - they are dogs. 'Nuf said.
May Dog Be With You.
* Chihuerrier (chi-wear-e-er) is our name for a Chihuahua Terrier Mix. We've been using it since 2005 - when Mr. C came into our lives. We're surprised it hasn't caught on yet @:-D
The Sprouter
One Easy Sprout Sprouter
Overwhelmingly our most popular sprouter, Easy Sprout is also our personal favorite. We have well over a dozen in our house. It offers great drainage and the best air-circulation of any sprouter.
Easy Sprout is made up of a 1 Quart (litre) Growing Vessel, a Solid container/Base that catches excess Rinse water, a Small Seed Insert that snaps in when sprouting small seeds, two Growing Lids (1 for home (Domed) and 1 for the road (Flat)), and a Solid Lid for refrigerator storage of your sprout crop.
Easy Sprout is the best all-around sprouter. Period. It is the mandatory choice for high humidity sproutpeople everywhere and great for travel sprouting! Very versatile - Easy Sprout can sprout virtually any seed, anywhere!
Easy Sprout is part of many of our Kits.
Grow Your Own dog food....
While, we have had dogs - like Ira (currently our only dog) and Dobie (the brown guy in the picture) for example, who will eat sprouts straight, it is not generally their favorite meal. But, when chopped up and mixed in to food they like, they go down easy. Try them whole first. Some dogs - or so we are told by customers - are so excited by our seeds that they try to open the box as soon as it's delivered. However your dog likes it most is just right. If you're getting these for humans - they will enjoy them whole @:-)
For Sprouting Instructions and to learn more about the seed, click here: 4 Legs of Love. To learn about - including how to use - the Sprouter, click here: Easy Sprout Sprouter.
The Seeds
2 Pounds of
Dobie & Chester's 4 Legs of Love
Red Clover, Alfalfa, Broccoli, 7 Lentils, Mung Beans & Hulless Oats
This New (2009) Mix is the perfect sprout mix-in for dogs. Tested and approved by our lovable mutts; Dobie and Chester, 4 Legs of Love also has our veterinarian's stamp of approval.
We have had dogs in our home forever. Beanie's Awesome Mix is named after our first dog, Clem's Choice is named for our 2nd dog, so it seems like this mix should have been introduced ages ago. All of our dogs have eaten sprouts. We decided it was about time we put something together that was specifically good for dogs, and also easy to get them to eat. Every dog has its own tastes of course - so we work with that. We ground the sprouts in a food processor before mixing them into the other food we were serving - for our finicky Chihuerrier* Chester. Now that Ira is the dog of the house grinding isn't necessary. He loves them mixed into his food whole. This is great stuff!
Our original trio of girls - Jupiter, Clementine and Fagie - came to us in very lean years. We didn't have enough money to feed them high quality food until they were senior citizens. None of them lived longer than 12 years. Though they changed our lives in ways we are still discovering - that's just not enough time.
Our former dogs - boys named Dobie and Chester - ate better than we did during those lean years and Ira eats like a king. He's on a mostly raw diet thanks to our neighbor, EcoPawz which offers a lot of great food and treats.
We're glad we can offer these sprouts to our dogs, and to your dogs. Feed them well - they are dogs. 'Nuf said.
May Dog Be With You.
* Chihuerrier (chi-wear-e-er) is our name for a Chihuahua Terrier Mix. We've been using it for 9 years - since Mr. C came into our lives. We're surprised it hasn't caught on yet @:-D
The Sprouter
One Easy Sprout Sprouter
Overwhelmingly our most popular sprouter of all-time, Easy Sprout is also a personal favorite. We have well over a dozen in our house. It offers great drainage and the best air-circulation of any sprouter.
Easy Sprout is made up of a 1 Quart (litre) Growing Vessel, a Solid container/Base that catches excess Rinse water, a Small Seed Insert that snaps in when sprouting small seeds, two Growing Lids (1 for home (Domed) and 1 for the road (Flat)), and a Solid Lid for refrigerator storage of your sprout crop.
Easy Sprout is the best all-around sprouter. Period. It is the mandatory choice for high humidity sproutpeople everywhere and great for travel sprouting! Very versatile - Easy Sprout can sprout virtually any seed, anywhere!
Easy Sprout is part of many of our Kits.
Though this Kit does come with printed sprouting instructions - you will always find the most information by visiting the seed's detailed page: On our 4 Legs of Love page you will find everything you will ever want to know about the seed, and how to sprout it.
Both mutts came as rescues; both skinny; both neglected. After veterinary care,
Both provided high calorie. High quality food. Sprouts were part of their twice daily diets
Both blossomed, both thriving. Been several years. Provide a teaspoon per meal. No
digestive disorders; both inhale the sprouts.
Both mutts came as rescues; both skinny; both neglected. After veterinary care,
Both provided high calorie. High quality food. Sprouts were part of their twice daily diets
Both blossomed, both thriving. Been several years. Provide a teaspoon per meal. No
digestive disorders; both inhale the sprouts.
My dogs love these sprouts, although one was skeptical at first. Just top their meal with a spoonful. This is actually one of my favorite mixes as well - delicious! This kit is a great gift for folks who’ve adopted a new furry family member also.
My dogs love these sprouts, although one was skeptical at first. Just top their meal with a spoonful. This is actually one of my favorite mixes as well - delicious! This kit is a great gift for folks who’ve adopted a new furry family member also.
I was skeptical about this sprouts for dogs thing, but they actually eat them when mixed into their wet food. I have 2 pretty finicky dogs. Stunning!