Grapefruit Seed Extract
From Grapefruit -
Unfiltered, Vegan, Gluten and GMO-free
NutriBiotic GSE® (Grapefruit Seed Extract) Liquid Concentrate contains Citricidal®. Citricidal is a natural quaternary compound synthesized from the seed and pulp of grapefruit. The manufacturing process converts grapefruit bioflavonoid (polyphenolics) into an extremely potent compound that has been proven highly effective in numerous applications. Citricidal is used by healthcare professionals worldwide as nutritional support for individuals with certain health concerns. Vegan and GMO-free.
We are carrying this GSE for those of you who wish to sanitize your seeds. To do so, add 2 drops per quart of soak water. We do not have any problem with this, but we do not do it ourselves. It can't hurt, and if it makes you feel better go ahead and use it. As you'll see below - it has many uses. 2 ounces per bottle.
Add two drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract per quart of Soak water.
The manufacturer says:
GSE® Liquid Concentrate Frequently Asked Questions
Why would I want to use the GSE® Liquid Concentrate? - As a natural, non-toxic compound our GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) Liquid Concentrate has many uses. Internally, the concentrate has been used to support a wide variety of ailments.*
How can the product be non-toxic if it is so potent? - Extensive testing done at independent laboratories and universities around the world has proven the concentrate to be safe for human consumption. It is effective against pathogens because it belongs to a family of compounds known as quaternary compounds. This family is best known for benzalkonium chloride and benzethonium chloride as well as the infamous Quaternium group, a very toxic antimicrobial preservative used in the cosmetics industry. While Grapefruit Seed Extract is molecularly similar to these compounds, there are some profound differences in structure and function. Studies done to date indicate that there is little danger in either short-term or long-term internal use.
What is the pH of this product? - The Original GSE Liquid Concentrate has a pH of about 3.8 and the Maximum GSE Liquid Concentrate has a pH of about 2.2, which are both very acidic. This is why we recommend you dilute Grapefruit Seed Extract before use. We do not know if the product becomes alkaline when ingested the way orange juice and other citrus foods do.
Is this product safe for use with children? - Yes. Common sense will indicate using a very dilute solution on an infant.
What about using it for my pets? - Since the concentrate is safe for consumption, it is well suited for animal uses. The extract can be added to the animal’s water or food.
What about the "grapefruit juice effect"? - There is a phenomenon known as the "grapefruit juice effect". Two components found in grapefruit juice, naringin and naringenin†, inhibit production of an enzyme in the intestinal tract, thus increasing the rate of absorption for certain classes of drugs (including some antihistamines, birth control pills, anti-epilepsy medications, and some antibiotics).
In some instances, as in low dose birth control pills and some uses of antibiotics, this could be a good thing because the net result is "more efficacy, less drug". In other cases, especially for anti-seizure medicines, blood levels have to be monitored and maintained very carefully. You would be well-advised to check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if there is any interaction between your medication and the naringin and naringenin†.
Is there anything I can't use the concentrate for? - We do not recommend using it in your eyes, even in a dilute form. We also advise users to dilute the extract before use. If you place a drop of the product on your tongue, it will burn. Sensitive skin areas also will end up with an unpleasant irritation if the concentrate is used full-strength.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
†The Original GSE Liquid Concentrate contains only 0.1% of these compounds.
Leafy Sprouts Brassica Sprouts Bean Sprouts Nut, Seed and Pseudograin Sprouts Micro-Greens Grain Sprouts Exotic Sprouts Critter Sprouts Greens Grass and any other sprout, fruit or vegetable you want to clean.
The manufacturer offers a number of uses for Grapefruit Seed Extract.....
CAUTION: ALWAYS DILUTE! Do not use full strength. Do not put in eyes. Avoid all contact with sensitive areas. May cause irritation if used full strength on skin. If full strength contact or irritation occurs, flush with water for at least 10 minutes. Irritation is temporary and may last up to 48 hours. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
Internal Use: (Never use full strength)
Orally. Adults, mix 5-15 drops of NutriBiotic GSE in a glass of water or juice (5 oz. or more), 1-3 times daily, with or without meals. Children (5 years and older), mix 1-3 drops in a glass of water or juice, 1-2 times daily. Or, use as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not use full strength in mouth.
Throat Gargle. Stir 3 drops of NutriBiotic GSE into a small glass of water (3 oz. or more). Gargle several times. Use as often as needed. Always dilute.
Ear Rinse. Thoroughly mix 3-5 drops of NutriBiotic GSE with 1 oz. of glycerin or alcohol. Apply 1-2 drops of this solution in affected ear 1-2 times daily. Use as often as needed. Do not use full strength in ears.
Nasal Rinse. (adults only) Mix 1 drop of NutriBiotic GSE with 2 oz. of water. Use one full eye dropper of the mixed solution per nostril. Tilt your head backward and release the solution from the dropper into your nose. Swing head forward and down (head is now upside down) to force solution up into nasal passages. Return head to the normal upright position and allow nasal passages to drain. Do not inhale through the nose during this process. Always dilute.
Vaginal Rinse. Mix 5-10 drops of NutriBiotic GSE in 6-8 oz. of water. Douche once daily for one week. Douche more often if desired. Always dilute.
External Use: (Never use full strength)
Facial Cleanser. Thoroughly moisten (splash) face with warm or cool water. With hands still wet, apply 2-3 drops of NutriBiotic GSE to fingertips and gently massage facial area with circular motions. Rinse thoroughly with cool water and pat dry. A tingling sensation may follow. This is an indication of the deep cleansing properties of NutriBiotic GSE. Always dilute.
Skin Rinse. (minor skin irritations) Dilute NutriBiotic GSE with water (5-10 drops per tablespoon). Apply this solution directly to affected area twice daily. Do not use full strength on skin.
Nail Treatment. Dilute NutriBiotic GSE with water or alcohol (5-10 drops per tablespoon). Apply this solution directly on surface of nail along the cuticle and underneath the front of nail, or soak nails, twice daily for as long as desired. Do not use full strength on nails.
Scalp Treatment. Add 5-10 drops of NutriBiotic GSE to each shampooing (mix in hand or on head with shampoo). Massage into scalp and leave on for at least 2 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water.
Household Use:
Toothbrush Cleaner. Stir 5-10 drops of NutriBiotic GSE into a glass of water. Submerge toothbrush for 15 minutes (or leave in between uses). Rinse toothbrush before using. Change water and remix every few days.
Vegetable/Fruit or Meat/Poultry Wash.
Sink washing - Add 30 or more drops of NutriBiotic GSE to a sink full of cold water. Briefly soak any vegetables, fruit, meat, or poultry. Rinse if desired.
Spray washing - Add 20 or more drops of NutriBiotic GSE to a 32 oz. pump sprayer bottle filled with water. Spray on any vegetables, fruit, meat, or poultry. Rinse if desired.
Dish and Utensil Cleaning Additive. Add 15-30 drops of NutriBiotic GSE to sink dish washing water or to final rinse. Add 15-30 drops to automatic dishwasher with detergent or to final rinse.
Cutting Board Cleaner. Apply 10-20 drops of NutriBiotic GSE to cutting board and work into entire board with a wet sponge or dish cloth. Leave on for at least 30 minutes. Rinse with water.
All Purpose Cleaner. Add 30-60 drops of NutriBiotic GSE to any 32 oz. pump sprayer bottle filled with water or cleanser. Use on all surfaces around the house.
I have used GSE for over 11 years now and cannot speak more highly of it's health benefits. As follows:
1) It's a fantastic anti-bacterial solution (approx. 1 drop / 4 tbsp of water - - keep in a small glass jar for a couple of weeks then discard) and kills germs on contact. I use it externally on cuts and abrasions to sterilize the wound. Always apply on sterile cotton pad or something similar).
2) I also use it daily (1 drop / 4 tbsp of water) as an eyewash - I dip a small piece of cotton wool into the solution and apply to my eyes making sure the solution goes into the eyes and washes them. I keep the excess for a couple of weeks making sure to never dip a used piece of cotton wool into the solution - also be careful not to put your fingers in it!)
3) I take 5 - 7 drops in 4 oz or so of water internally for stomach upsets.
4) I combine 5 - 7 drops with 2 - 3 drops of Oil of Oregano + 1/8 tsp of Vit. C powder in 4 oz of water to knock out a cold in the early stages (tastes yucky so it's best to drink as quickly as possible!)
And you can find more uses here:
I have used GSE for over 11 years now and cannot speak more highly of it's health benefits. As follows:
1) It's a fantastic anti-bacterial solution (approx. 1 drop / 4 tbsp of water - - keep in a small glass jar for a couple of weeks then discard) and kills germs on contact. I use it externally on cuts and abrasions to sterilize the wound. Always apply on sterile cotton pad or something similar).
2) I also use it daily (1 drop / 4 tbsp of water) as an eyewash - I dip a small piece of cotton wool into the solution and apply to my eyes making sure the solution goes into the eyes and washes them. I keep the excess for a couple of weeks making sure to never dip a used piece of cotton wool into the solution - also be careful not to put your fingers in it!)
3) I take 5 - 7 drops in 4 oz or so of water internally for stomach upsets.
4) I combine 5 - 7 drops with 2 - 3 drops of Oil of Oregano + 1/8 tsp of Vit. C powder in 4 oz of water to knock out a cold in the early stages (tastes yucky so it's best to drink as quickly as possible!)
And you can find more uses here: