Lil Bird Sprout Mix
24 seeds for your small winged children. The seeds are listed in the About tab below.
Vitamins A, B, C and E
Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Niacin, Phosphorus, Potassium
Amino Acids
Protein: 10-35%
The amount of Lil Bird Sprout Mix produced by 1 unit of Seed. For Example 2:1 means that 1 pound of Seed will produce 2 pounds of Sprouts or whatever crop you are growing. You do not have to grow them all at once of course, unless you wish to =:-D
The time it takes to grow a finished 2 - 3 days, or other crop (Micro-Greens, Grass, Greens) from a dry Seed. Note: This "finished" Sprout is our preference. you may grow them for as long as you want! In fact, we suggest that you taste them at every rinse to discover when you like them best.
How to Grow Lil Bird Sprout Mix
- Soak 1/3 to 1 cup of seed in cool water for 8-12 hours.
- Drain off soak water. Do not ever soak again.
- Rinse thoroughly.
- Drain Thoroughly.
- Rinse and Drain with cool water every 8-12 hours.
- These sprouts don't need light. Keep your Sprouter in a low light location.
- Harvest on day 2 or 3, when most of the sprouts have short roots. Refrigerate your crop.

Dry Bird Mix awaits Soaking.

8 - 12 hours later... Soaked, Rinsed and Drained.

12 hours later... another Rinse/Drain cycle.

12 hours later.... Harvest Time, if you didn't already harvest them. If you wish - you may grow these lovely sprouts into plants, by following our instructions. The following pictures show the plants

Sprouted Bird Mix spread atop the thoroughly moistened medium of our choosing - soil in this instance.

24 hours later....

24 hours later....

24 hours later....

24 hours later....

Dry Bird Mix awaits Soaking.

8 - 12 hours later... Soaked, Rinsed and Drained.

12 hours later... another Rinse/Drain cycle.

12 hours later.... Harvest Time, if you didn't already harvest them. If you wish - you may grow these lovely sprouts into plants, by following our instructions. The following pictures show the plants

Sprouted Bird Mix spread atop the thoroughly moistened medium of our choosing - soil in this instance.

24 hours later....

24 hours later....

24 hours later....

24 hours later....
Yields approximately 1 Cup (1/2 lb.) of Sprouts.
Seed Prep Measure out 2/3 Cup of seed* Pick out anything you don't think should be there (shell or plant pieces, imperfect seeds, etc.) if you wish (we don't). Rinse your seeds to remove dust or debris.
Soak Transfer your seeds into your Sprouter, or a bowl. Add 2-3 times as much cool (60-70 degree) water. Mix seeds up to assure even water contact for all. Allow seeds to Soak for 8-12 hours.
Note: There are some seeds in these bird mixes whose sprouting instructions call for less soaking. Fear not. In the interest of convenience we have mixed all the seeds together - and we can tell you from vast experience, they will sprout quite well if you follow the directions here.
Sprouting Empty the seeds into your Sprouter (if necessary). Drain off the soak water. You can use it - it has nutrients in it. We use it to water potted plants.
Rinse thoroughly with cool (60-70°) water. Drain thoroughly.
Always be sure to Drain very thoroughly. The most common cause of inferior sprouts is inadequate Draining. Even the best designed Sprouting Device holds water, so pay special attention to this step.
Set your Sprouter anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal) between Rinses. This is where your sprouts do their growing. We use a counter top - in the corner of our kitchen, but where the sprouter won't get knocked over by cats, dogs, kids or us. We don't mind the indirect sunlight or the 150 watts of incandescent light, because light just does not matter much. A plant can only perform photosynthesis when it has leaves, and unless you are growing these sprouts into plants, they definitely are not going to have leaves. Until a plant has leaves, light has little if any effect. Sprouts also happen to like air-circulation, so don't hide your sprouts.
Rinse and Drain again in 8-12 hours. Then... Rinse and Drain again, in 8-12 hours. And, perhaps one more...8 - 12 hours later... Rinse and Drain.
We usually stop here. Most of your seeds will now have little roots. Not all of the seeds are intended to germinate in this amount of time but, as soon as a seed soaks up water its nutritional value skyrockets, its enzymes are no longer inhibited! So know that what you are feeding your friends is beyond compare - Root or no Root!
We think you should consider your crop done when most of the seeds have roots. They are ready to feed! You may grow them longer if you like - experiment to see what your bird likes best.
Depending on your climate and the time of year you are sprouting, and most importantly your personal preference - You may Rinse and Drain again - at 8-12 hour intervals for several days. However - we prefer to sprout only to the point where most of the seeds have sprouted tiny (1/16 - 1/4 inch) roots, which is typically after just 2 or 3 Rinse and Drain cycles.
Harvest Your sprouts are done 8-12 hours after your final Rinse. Be sure to Drain them as thoroughly as possible after that final Rinse. The goal during the final 8-12 hours is to minimize the surface moisture of your sprouts. They will store best in your refrigerator if they are dry to the touch.
Refrigerate Transfer your sprout crop to a plastic bag, our shelf life extending Produce Storage Bags, or the sealed container of your choice (glass is good too). Whatever you choose - put them in your refrigerator - if you can keep your flock from eating them all first.
*Seed to Use If using Sproutpeople's Single Harvest Pack - use the whole bag - to get an approximately 8 ounce crop.
These seeds will yield approximately 1.75:1 (you get 1.75 pounds for every pound of dry seed), so in theory you can start with as much as 1/2 the dry seed, your Sprouter has capacity. We generally advise maxing out at 1/3 capacity, until you get used to growing this crop. You can also grow as little at a time as you wish, and grow a tiny crop.
Sunflower (in shell), Wheat, Spelt (hulled), Triticale,, Oats (hulless), Millet, Buckwheat (in hull), Brown Rice, Black Lentils, Crimson Lentils, and French Blue Lentils, Adzuki Beans, Mung Beans, Fenugreek, Flax, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Oriental Mustard, 3 varieties of Radish, Quinoa, Sesame, Amaranth
Smaller birds will love this beautiful mix of 24 seeds - all from sources which are certified organic - and so will your big birds =:-D As we've said, the name of the mix indicates the relative size of the seeds in that mix. Our avian advisors assure us that any size bird can enjoy any of our mixes. A smaller bird will just take longer to eat a larger seed, while a bigger bird will go through these faster..
Seed Storage
Bird Mixes are best stored in a cool location. We suggest a freezer, but a refrigerator works well too. If you plan on storing it for more than 3 months, or you purchase it during a warm season; you should use one of those cool locations. Also, there are some seeds in the mix which are pleasing to a particular pest - the Indian Meal Moth, which can appear out of nowhere when conditions are right (hot). These are organic seeds after all, so there is no other way to keep your seeds absolutely safe from them, except to freeze them. Consider yourself further informed =:-}
Some folks have told us that birds also like these seeds grown into plants - on soil. And that birds are well served nutritionally by the soil as well as the plants.
If you are interested in growing our mixes on soil we can tell you that they work quite well, and that all you need is a container with drainage.
Follow these directions if you wish to grow our Bird Mixes into plants:
Sprout your seeds as detailed above, to the point that some of the seeds show the smallest possible Roots, or better yet, just the hint of a Root.
Spread seeds evenly on thoroughly moistened soil.
Cover the container.
Place in a low-light, room temperature location. (70° is always optimal)
Water lightly every day. The goal is to keep the seeds moist (as with all sprouts) until their roots bury themselves in the soil - at which point your goal is to keep the soil moist.
You may uncover your plants at the point when most have sent roots into the soil, or you may wait a few days until your plants are an inch or two tall. Move to a well lit location to turn 'em green. If you use direct sunlight be prepared to do more watering. Keep them moist. Watch them grow. Water from the side, to prevent injuring the tiny plants.
Feed when you like.
Recommended Sprouters for Lil Bird Sprout Mix
8 cockatiels, 2 parakeets and 1 canary - and we feed them all these wonderful sprouts. The dietary benefits of sprouts over typical seed mix is well documented. A great source of carbohydrates and protein without the excess fats that normal seeds contain. If you love your pet birds, then you owe it to them to provide them with a sprout-based diet. An added plus - the folks at Sproutpeople are arguably the coolest people on the planet!
My last pet bird die. All 4 of my birds loved these sprouts. They are the healthiest food you can feed them. My friend was happy to get the seeds I purchased as I don’t have any remaining bird friends in my home. I will not be rescuing any more pets due to my age. I have been buying seeds from Sprout People for many years and have always been impressed with the quality. My birds lived full and happy lives, living into their mid twenties.
My birds go crazy for sprouts, they dance around their bowl if I’m not quick enough to give it to them! Sprouts are a great option for seed lovers, but also a healthy seed treat for birds on a pellet diet like mine. We love sprouts and we love the awesome folks at Sprout People!
My birds go crazy for sprouts, they dance around their bowl if I’m not quick enough to give it to them! Sprouts are a great option for seed lovers, but also a healthy seed treat for birds on a pellet diet like mine. We love sprouts and we love the awesome folks at Sprout People!
I have Parrotlets, Canaries, Budgies, Cockatiels and LoveBirds. So many sizes and beak types. All my birds enjoy this Lil Bird mix. Even my newest Parrotlet at 12 weeks after 2 days he now sits on his dish dancing singing waiting for me to give him his. I have tried others. they do not have as many seeds and beans in their mixes. With sprout people you get a wide variety that all my birds enjoy. Great investment in to your beloved pets.