The Tube Sprouter
Before we tell you how much we like The Tube, we need you to know that The Tube is no longer available. We keep its page on our site for those lucky enough to have one. We are sorry. The manufacturer shut down around 2005. We even asked if they would sell us the sprouting portion of their business. They never responded. It wasn't the best Sprouter - Easy Sprout has always been better, but we are sad that it is gone...
The Tube offered very good drainage and exceptional air-circulation. Crystal clear heavy duty plastic made The Tube our top choice for kids who sprout, but it was a great choice for adults too. It came with 3 colorful, plastic Screen Lids and 1 Solid Lid (The same company sold plastic lid-sets - which also vanished). It was a very versatile Sprouter
Tube Sprouting Instructions
Specific Sprouting Instructions are found on the page devoted to the Seed or Mix you are interested in. Below are the specifics of Tube Sprouting.
The 3 Plastic Screen Lids come in different mesh sizes. You should always use the widest mesh you can. Wider mesh allows the water to flow in and out more easily and improves air-circulation as well. In some cases (when growing Leafy or Brassicas Sprouts) you change the screen lids (from narrow to wider and then to widest) as your sprouts grow. The widest mesh screen allows some hulls to pour out along with water during your last few Rinses.
You can grow all the way with a narrow mesh screen, whether plastic or stainless steel. Though your hulls won't pour off and air won't move as much, they still work fine. If you are looking for a suggestion - ours is to have one of each. We sell stainless steel screen lids. Having one will give you one of every screen and therefore, more options!
Seed Prep
Not all seeds require this step. See the seed information page to see if you need to do this for the seed you are sprouting.
If you are prepping a seed which is smaller than the narrowest mesh screen - the yellow one - you need to do one of 3 things: 1. Soak your seed for 30 minutes (longer is OK), allowing it to swell to a size greater than the mesh of the yellow Screen. 2. Use a sieve or another device to wash your seeds. 3. Use a Stainless Steel Screen. It is narrower than any seed!
The problem is that a few seeds are so small (clover most of all) that they can wash right through the yellow Screen during seed prep. I suppose that was obvious already. Please excuse me, I certainly didn't mean to insult you!
The Solid brown lid has a space for the black gasket that came with your Tube. The theory is that this Solid lid will act as a (sealed) bottom, thus allowing you to Soak your seeds right in the Tube. The problem is - the Solid lid and gasket do not always work! We've asked the manufacturers about this and they said: "Sorry, they don't always hold water. Tell your customers to Soak in something else". They are nice folks, but that sometimes leaky lid is the one thing that bothers us about the Tube. We think they should make that lid hold water all the time or stop including it with the Tube. But in any case - the Tube is just too good to let that one issue stop us from carrying it, so read on but know: If your brown Solid lid leaks - Soak in something else.
Place the black gasket in the Solid brown lid and screw that lid onto one end of the Tube. Fill with cool (60 - 70°) water unless instructed otherwise by your seed supplier (us we hope =;-) and leave to Soak for 8 - 12 hours or for the time noted for the seed you are sprouting. After the soak period pour the water out and replace the Solid lid with one of the Screen lids.
Hold the Tube under your faucet or sprayer with the proper Screen lid facing down. Always use the widest mesh that will keep your seeds in the Tube. Run cool (60 - 70°) water (unless instructed otherwise by your seed supplier). through your seeds/sprouts, being sure to get all of the crop watered well. We usually Rinse for 15-20 seconds or so. The rule to remember is: Rinse at least until the water runs clear from the tail end of the Tube.
When you are done Rinsing you need to get as much of the water out of the Tube as possible. Shake it, spin it, bounce it gently off the side of your sink. Just keep doing it (at least) until no more water comes out.
When you are growing big seeds it is easy enough to get most of the water out, but when they are small seeds, there will always be some water left, so shake more than you think is necessary. It can't hurt!
We usually put our Tubes face down - at an angle - between Rinsing and Draining. We will use our dish rack in the rare event that it isn't full of dishes, or more often, we use high rimmed bowls which the Tube rests on, and which captures the excess water that inevitably drains out, even after our thorough Draining. Sometimes we leave the Tube on its side - that improves air-circulation, though it can roll away if you're not careful @;-)
If you have our Screen Lid Set - or another set of Screens, of various mesh sizes - change your Screen as your sprouts grow, unless you started with the widest mesh Screen, of course. When growing seeds that shed their hulls, especially small seeds like Leafy Sprouts and Brassicas - which grow leaves; moving to a wider mesh screen allows hulls to escape when you Rinse and Drain. Always use the widest mesh screen you can - regardless of what crop you are growing. As long as your seeds/sprouts aren't escaping - you're using the right screen. The wider mesh also makes Draining easier, and slightly improves air-circulation.
We always suggest a low-light, 70° location for your sprouter, until it is time for Greening (if you are growing sprouts that green (anything that grows a leaf - like Leafy or Brassica sprouts). At that point we often say: Move your sprouter to a brighter location (or words to that affect), and though we always say to avoid direct sunlight, we will tell you strongly: Never put a Tube in direct sunlight - unless you wish to cook your sprouts! So if you are Greening sprouts in a Tube, don't move them to a too bright a location, but rather, concentrate on that other thing we say: You'll be amazed at how little light it takes to turn your sprouts green!
Harvest and Crop Storage
Before Harvesting any crop, it is essential that you Drain it Very Thoroughly after your final Rinse. Storing crops that are dry to the touch, maximizes their shelf life, so pay especially close attention to this. Drain thoroughly! If you are growing Leafy or Brassica sprouts, you can use our De-Huller to remove any remaining hulls, and dry your crop at Harvest time.
To Store Your Crop - transfer your dry-to-the-touch harvest to a plastic bag - or better yet - our Amazing Produce Storage Bags, then put them in your refrigerator.
Seed Specific Sprouting Instructions
If you have a particular seed type in mind, read on to discover further details of Tube Sprouting that seed type. Refer to the seed's main information page for detailed instructions.
Use the red Screen lid whenever possible - most beans are big enough for the widest mesh. Follow instructions on this page and on the Bean's detailed instruction page for all beans.
Maximum dry seed = 1.5 cups
Mung Bean
The Tube will do a swell job of growing small sweet Mung sprouts, but if you want big and thick sprouts; the 2 big issues are - keeping them dark while growing, and applying weight to the growing sprouts. Obviously keeping the Tube dark isn't easy without putting it in a cupboard or the like, but DO NOT do that, it makes for very poor air-circulation and in many cases will make your crop fail - and smell bad too. Our advice is: Don't worry too much about the light/dark thing. Keep the Tube out of the bright spots in your growing room and enjoy the fact that you get such a great look at them growing.
Since you can't easily put weight on the growing beans you should use as many beans as possible - soak 1.3 cups of Mung Beans per Tube, this will completely fill the Tube when the beans are done, resulting in the pressure necessary to synthesize the application of weight.
Maximum dry seed = 1.5 cups for small sprouts or 3/4 cup for big & thick sprouts
As your sprouts grow bigger you should change Screen lids from narrow to wider and eventually widest mesh. Water and air will move through the Tube better and some hulls will even wash away.
Broccoli, Radish, Cabbage, Mustard, etc. need to move while sprouting or they will form a root mass (beginning around day 3) which is at least unpleasant and often lessens the sprouts' quality. Solution: Break Up/Loosen the mass. If your Solid lid holds water - Fill the Tube with water, take a fork and use it to loosen the sprout mass. If the Tube is too full, transfer the sprouts to a bigger container for the loosening. Keep breaking up the mass at every Rinse or 2 after that too.
Maximum dry seed = 3 Tablespoons
Leafy Sprouts
These are the seeds/sprouts that really show off the Screen lids. As your sprouts grow bigger you should change lids to the wider and eventually widest mesh. Water and air will move through the Tube better and some hulls will even wash away.
One issue folks have with these sprouts is that they expect them to be green. There are almost always - regardless of the sprouting method - some sprouts which will not turn green. Our advice is: Live with it! Most will green if you don't over-crowd the sprouter (use 2 Tbs. or less of seed) - and those that don't are still plenty delicious, nutritious and they add beauty (yellow goes well with green and white!) too. Leafy sprouts will do better if they are allowed to move freely, so break up the mass on day 4 and 5 and maybe 6. Fill the Tube with water or transfer your sprouts to something bigger, and kinda pull the mass apart with a fork type implement. It isn't a critical issue with the Leafy Sprouts, but it doesn't hurt.
Maximum dry seed = 2 Tablespoons
The Alliums; Garlic, Leek and Onion require no extra work - just be sure to drain the Tube well after each rinse so that the seeds/sprouts aren't sitting in water (not only will those that sit in water sprout poorly - they'll smell REALLY bad!) and remember - these all take up to 2 weeks to finish sprouting so keep Rinsing and Draining!
Fenugreek, Sweet Pea, Mother's Mix, etc. - Follow the Seed's Detailed Instructions and refer to this page for Tube specific instructions.
Maximum dry seed = See Seed's Detailed Instruction Page
The green Screen works well for all Grains. Besides that, follow Seed and Sprouter instructions.
Maximum dry seed = 2 cups
Nuts, Seeds and Pseudograins
Follow Seed and Sprouter instructions.
Maximum dry seed = See Seed's Detailed Instruction Page
Grass and Greens
Pre-Sprouting Only!
Maximum dry seed = 2 cups.
Pre-Sprouting only, and only for those that call for Pre-Sprouting!
Critter Sprouts
Whether you're growing A Bird Mix or 4 Legs of Love - they require no additional information. Everything you need to know is on the mix' detailed instruction page.
Maximum dry seed = 1.5 cups
Before going on, you must be told; The Tube and Sprout-Ease Lid Sets are a thing of the past. The manufacturer closed up shop years ago. We were very fond of The Tube - a crystal clear plastic cylinder that came with 4 colorful plastic sprouting lids. It was one very cool sprouter! But, these items are gone. We keep this page up for those of you who have The Tube.
Lori and I have discussed making our own version of The Tube - possibly out of glass, but manufacturing on that level is a very expensive proposition, and we already have better solutions, so it is unlikely we will ever go so far. Don't feel bad if you don't have a Tube; Easy Sprout is a better Sprouting Device and we have produced our own set of Sprouting Screen Lids which are much better than those old plastic lids.
About The Tube (please excuse our use of present tense): The Tube is made of durable, crystal clear plastic. The Tube is open at both ends. It comes with 4 colorful lids (3 Screens, 1 Solid). The Tube drains from both ends, so air moves through it as well as water. This is the perfect sprouting device for kids who sprout!
The Tube has great air-circulation because when you sprout you have Screen lids on both ends. The Screen lids are colorful and they come in 3 different mesh sizes (narrow, wider and widest), which is a great thing. Drainage is pretty darn good too and Rinsing can't be much easier. Best of all you get a great view of your sprouts. The Solid brown lid is supposed to make the Tube hold water - so you can Soak in it. That lid doesn't always hold water and that is our only complaint about the Tube.
The Tube can grow: Up to 1 pound of Leafy Sprouts or 2 pounds of Bean or Grain Sprouts.
Growing Capacity: 1 Quart
Eat More Sprouts + Grow More Often - Easily!
For Sprouting Instructions, click the name of the Seed or Mix you want to grow.
Seeds to Sprout In The Tube
Tubes can be used to sprout or pre-sprout just about any seed.
These seeds are a Perfect match for The Tube:
Beans - All (see Mung Note below)
Mung Beans - The Tube will do a swell job of growing small sweet Mung sprouts, but if you want big and thick sprouts; the 2 big issues are - keeping them dark while growing, and applying weight to the growing sprouts. Obviously keeping the Tube dark isn't easy without putting it in a cupboard or the like, but DO NOT do that, it makes for very poor air-circulation and in many cases will make your crop fail - and smell bad too. Our advice is to not worry too much about the light/dark thing. Keep the Tube out of the bright spots in your growing room and enjoy the fact that you get such a great look at them growing. Since you can't easily put weight on the growing beans you should use as many beans as possible - soak 1 cup of Mung Beans per Tube, this will completely fill The Tube when the beans are done, resulting in the pressure necessary to synthesize the application of weight.
Grains - All
Nuts and Seeds and Pseudograins - Almonds, Pumpkins, Peanuts, Sunflower, Buckwheat Groats, Quinoa, etc.
Exotics - Fenugreek, Garlic, Leek, Onion, Sweet Pea, etc.
A Very Very Good Match for The Tube: These seeds will all sprout wonderfully in the Tube. The only reason they are not in the Perfect section above has to do with the size of the seeds and the size of the narrowest Screen lid - and that only matters when it comes to seed prep. In both these cases the solutions are easy: Soak the seeds for 1/2 an hour before seed prep. That will allow the seeds to swell enough that they'll be bigger than the narrow mesh Screen lid. You can also perform seed prep using a sieve or another device. Or, you can purchase a Stainless Steel Screen Lid Set too - its narrowest screen is narrower than almost any seed!
Leafy Sprouts: Alfalfa, Clover and our Gourmet Mixes - All
Brassicas - Broccoli, Radish, Mustard, Cabbage, Tatsoi, Kale, etc.
Pre-Sprout Perfection:
Tubes with Screen Lids are a great Pre-Sprouter for these items, but are not designed to grow these crops to completion: Grass, Greens and Micro-Greens
Tube & Lid Assembly
Screw the Solid Brown lid (with the rubber gasket in place inside of it) onto one end of The Tube and you can use the Tube to Soak your seeds*. Screw the smallest mesh screen onto the other end if sprouting small seeds like
alfalfa, clover or broccoli, etc., or a larger mesh if using bigger seeds, grains or beans. When you're ready to
Rinse and Drain just swap the next best mesh screen for the Solid lid and rinse down towards the smaller mesh. Swap the screens again as your sprouts grow to allow easier Rinsing and
All of the Plastic Screen Lids will fit any Wide-Mouth Mason Jar - so you can grow an extra crop of sprouts if you have one.
Our Stainless Steel Screen Lids come with a plastic ring which also fits The Tube.
To see how to use the different mesh sizes come back up here.
Cleaning: Scrub well between crops with soap and water. Rinse well! Avoid abrasives, they can scratch the plastic Tube.
Sterilize: Soak and scrub with a disinfectant as often as required. If your crop fails, it can be due to not having a sterile Tube or Lids. Soap and water usually do the trick, but if not - use any disinfectant you are comfortable with.
In our day, we used bleach water, but we dislike the toxicity of bleach, so we no longer use it, unless absolutely necessary. It is always true that; A clean sprouter produces the best crops.
* the Solid lid and gasket do not always hold water! We've asked the manufacturers about this and they said: "Sorry, they don't always hold water. Tell your customers to Soak in something else".
They are nice folks, but that sometimes leaky lid is the one thing that bothers us about The Tube. so, if your Solid Lid leaks - Soak in something else. Sorry.
I have also been looking for a tube sprouter for a long time too. This week I found one in an OP shop except the red mesh lid is missing, not to worry I will adapt something. Blessed
I had one of these forever and it finally just wouldn't seal tightly and the water leaked out of it. I've searched hi and low for this again, keeping my eyes pealed at estate sales and whatnot to no avail. Sad this will never come back, was the easiest and quickest way to sprout. I've bought the new model one and do like it but not as much as I did this one.
I had one of these forever and it finally just wouldn't seal tightly and the water leaked out of it. I've searched hi and low for this again, keeping my eyes pealed at estate sales and whatnot to no avail. Sad this will never come back, was the easiest and quickest way to sprout. I've bought the new model one and do like it but not as much as I did this one.