Customer Service

Need Help?

First try finding your answers on our site.  It is enormous and we have a truly great search feature.  If you still have questions, the very best way to contact us is through E-mail (helper @

We are quite fast and VERY thorough with email.  We love to help.  I (Gil) Love to talk with people, but I have a problem - I am unable to stop talking.  We are using the phone again, but it isn't the quickest way to get what you need from us Sproutpeople. At the risk of frustrating you - our phone number is:

Here's the old story...

We began our lives as Sproutpeople in 1993.  We have been an internet-only business since 2001. We are not a big corporation. We are but a small crew, Mom n' Pop Sprout (Lori & Gil), Kate the amazing manager, and a few exceptional part-time helpers (including our son, Sam). We decided after years of juggling our family's (kids, dogs, cats and even our own) needs, and the needs of Sproutpeople, that we had to make more time for our family, so we stopped talking on the phone. All calls went to voice mail from 2001 until 2014 - when we decided to try and fit the phone back into our lives.

We are very fast to fill orders and answer e-mail, and though we wish we could make the time to talk more, we just can't seem to get more minutes into a each hour. We are many years older than when we started and our days are too short and made up of too few hours to do everything. This limitation in our business has not kept us from pleasing our customers, nor from growing (as we have, almost every year since 1993). We do what we do as well as we can, and we think we do it very well indeed.

We appreciate your patronage more than we can say. We ask that if you call us that you respect our limitations and practice patience.  We will very possibly be slow responding to your call despite our desire to talk with you.  For the most part it is me (Gil) who handles the phone - so when you do get to talk with me you will have my undivided attention   For your sake I ask that you search our site for answers before e-mailing us, and use the phone only when you must.  This site is bigger than any 4 sprout books put together, it is always available and it is free, and we know that almost all questions are answered here.

Thanks again for your support and your many kind words. 


© 2021 Sproutpeople