Easy Sprout Sprouter

Overwhelmingly our most popular sprouter of all time - Easy Sprout is also a personal favorite of ours and thanks to its small footprint we can have more than a dozen growing sprouts in our not large kitchen. It offers great drainage and the best air-circulation of any sprouter. BPA-free and Kosher!

Easy Sprout is made up of a 1 Quart (litre) Growing Vessel, a Solid container/Base that catches excess Rinse water, a Small Seed Insert that snaps in when sprouting small seeds, two Growing Lids (1 for home (Domed) and 1 for the road (Flat)), and a Solid Lid for refrigerator storage of your sprout crop.

Easy Sprout is almost a mandatory choice for high humidity sproutpeople everywhere and great for travel sprouting! Very versatile - Easy Sprout can sprout virtually any seed, anywhere!

Easy Sprout is part of many of our Kits.

If you want a Sprouter that can also grow Microgreens and Grass - check out our Stainless Steel Sprouter and small SSSprouter.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 105 reviews
Steve Ingram
Best Sprouting Contraption Ever

I've got four of the Easy Sprout Sprouters so far and I may order a few more for friends and family. These are by far the best sprouters I've ever had (and I'm an old guy!). There are only two people in the household so I don't need larger sprouting options. The large cup size of these sprouters is perfect.

Now if I can just get my auto-correct to stop changing the word "sprouter" to "spouter"!

Jeffrey Shirey
Best overall Sprouter

I have used jars, trays almost anything you can think of (including Easy Sprout Sprouter) to sprout my seeds over the past 20 years and this is still my go-to-favorite.

Joseph Phaneuf
excellent sprouter, excellent sprouts

Love the Easy Sprouter and love the organic mung beans

Easy Sprout Tip

After the last rinse and drain, I set the sprouter on an angle, leaning against something. This improves that last draining period before you harvest. I let them drain for several hours for gravity to do it's thing, then harvest. Not huge, but an extra tablespoon or two of water gets drained out this way.
I harvest into a plastic container with 2 layers of paper towels (not recycled!) on the bottom. Next day the towels are soaked and I replace them one time. I like to think this improves the shelf life of the sprouts in the fridge.

Easy Sprout Tip

After the last rinse and drain, I set the sprouter on an angle, leaning against something. This improves that last draining period before you harvest. I let them drain for several hours for gravity to do it's thing, then harvest. Not huge, but an extra tablespoon or two of water gets drained out this way.
I harvest into a plastic container with 2 layers of paper towels (not recycled!) on the bottom. Next day the towels are soaked and I replace them one time. I like to think this improves the shelf life of the sprouts in the fridge.